=====Programmbibliotheken===== ==a==Was ist eine Programmbibliothek?==a== Wikipedia:Programmbibliothek Kategorien: Man kann Programmbibliotheken in drei Kategorien einordnen: ~- Quelltextbibliotheken (*.c, *.cpp, *.asm) ~- Statische Bibliotheken (*.a, *.o) ~- Dynamische Bibliotheken (*.so, *.dll) ==a==Empfehlungen==a== Nachfolgend einige Empfehlungen für ein bunte Palette an Anwendungsgebieten. **[[CMSIS]]** Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard **POSIX-Threads** (ausgezeichnet für Windows und Linux) http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ **[[GSL]]** - [[GSL|GNU Scientific Library]] The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C""++"" programmers. It is free software under the GNU General Public License. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ **[[SFL]]** - [[SFL|The Standard Function Library]] The SFL (Standard Function Library) from iMatix is a portable function library for C/C""++"" programs. Die SFL bietet 450 Funktionen aus Bereichen wie z.B. Compression, [[Kryptographie encryption]], and encoding; Datatype conversion and formatting; Dates, times, and calendars; Directory and environment access; String manipulation and searching; Internet socket access; SMTP (e-mail) access. http://legacy.imatix.com/html/sfl/ **[[VSIPL]]** - [[VSIPL Vector, Signal, and Image Processing Library]] The API is defined for ANSI C Functionality: Basic Scalar Operations, Basic Vector Operations, Random Number Generation, Signal Processing, FFT operations, Filtering, Correlation and convolution, Linear Algebra, Basic matrix operations, Linear system solution, Least-squares problem solution **[[Qt]]** ist erstklassige Klassenbibliothek für die plattformübergreifende Programmierung von Oberflächen, Netzwerkzugriff, Threads, XML Document Object Model, Multimedia, 2D-Graphik, ""OpenGL"", Drucken und vieles mehr. Siehe dazu [[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/groups.html Groups of Qt-Classes]]. **Devpack-Libraries** http://devpaks.org/ **SPUC** http://spuc.sourceforge.net/ The API is defined for C++ List of modules: FIR filters, IIR filters, Interpolation filters, Equalization Classes, Communication Classes, Simulation Classes, Phase lock loop functions, Digital Modulation, Miscellaneous functions, Log and Exponential functions, Forward Error Correcting Codes, Interleavers, Random Number Generation, Special Matricies, Matrix Decompositions, Determinant, Solving Linear Equation Systems, Windows, Error handling functions, Writing Matlab Mex-files using IT++ **ICE** ist die Bildverarbeitungsbibliohek, die am Lehrstuhl Digitale Bildverarbeitung in Jena entwickelt wurde und die Basis für Lehre und Forschung darstellt. http://pandora.inf.uni-jena.de/ice.html **AVR-lib** http://hubbard.engr.scu.edu/embedded/avr/avrlib/ http://bray.velenje.cx/avr/ **Standard C-Libs** Beschreibung der Bibliotheken, die im ANSI-Standard definiert werden. http://www2.hs-fulda.de/~klingebiel/c-stdlib/ http://www.wachtler.de/ck/19_3_Headerdateien_Uberblic.html http://www.phim.unibe.ch/comp_doc/c_manual/C/FUNCTIONS/funcref.htm Free ""C and C++"" Libraries, Source Code and Frameworks http://www.thefreecountry.com/sourcecode/cpp.shtml ergänzende Libraries zu ""C and C++"" http://wap-pool.math.uni-bayreuth.de/prog/c_c++_libs.html#gcc **[[FFTW]]** is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data, i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST). They believe that FFTW, which is free software, should become the FFT library of choice for most applications. http://www.fftw.org andere FFT http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ooura/fft.html **""OpenCV""** Open Source Computer Vision Library This library is mainly aimed at real time computer vision. Some example areas would be Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Object Identification, Segmentation and Recognition; Face Recognition; Gesture Recognition; Motion Tracking, Ego Motion, Motion Understanding; Structure From Motion (SFM); and Mobile Robotics. http://www.intel.com/technology/computing/opencv/overview.htm **""DevIL früher Open IL""** Developer’s Image Library was previously called OpenIL, but due to trademark issues, OpenIL is now known as DevIL. DevIL is an open source programming library for programmers to incorporate in to their own programs. DevIL loads and saves a large variety of images for use in a software developer’s program. This library is capable of manipulating images in various ways and passing image information to display APIs, such as OpenGL and Direct3D. http://openil.sourceforge.net/ [[http://openil.sourceforge.net/docs/DevIL%20Manual.pdf Manual]] **boost** Umfangreiche LIb kommerziell und nicht-kommerziell C""++"" http://www.boost.org/ Eine Reihe von Artikeln, die sich mit verschiedenen praxisorientierten Aspekten der Programmiersprachen C und C""++"" befassen. Darunter auch das Thema //Libraries und APIs// http://cplus.kompf.de/artikel/index.html **ghmm** The General Hidden Markov Model library (GHMM) is a freely available LGPL-ed C library implementing efficient data structures and algorithms for basic and extended HMMs. http://www.ghmm.org **siglib** Kommerzielle DSP library http://www.numerix-dsp.com/siglib.html **Netlib **- Collection of Software Libraries http://www.netlib.org **fdlibm **von Sun http://www.netlib.org/fdlibm/index.html **ALGLIB** http://www.alglib.net/optimization/conjugategradient.php High-Level DSP Libraries. General-DSP and special-purpose libraries in C. http://www.dspguru.com/sw/opendsp/lib2.htm http://www.dspguru.com/sw/opendsp/index.htm http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/links/libs ---- Siehe auch {{backlinks}}